Your Otolaryngology specialists at the KLINIK am RING.
In the doctor´s office of Dr. Tobias Berg, Dr. Stephan Sodeur and Dr. Alexandra Anna Vienken we take care of your valuable sense organs.
These affect a large area of your upper body, including the entire neck region. We are renowned Otolaryngologist (ENT - ear, nose, and throat) and also specializes in plastic surgery.
ENT patients often suffer from conditions that make a happy life nearly impossible. Smelling, hearing, and tasting, are senses nobody wants to do without. Here at the KLINIK am RING, we are committed to helping patients not having to suffer from any impairment of those valuable organs.
This is how persons who are affected by snoring find a good rest. Read more...
Dizziness occurs as if the vestibular system (balance sense) is impaired.
What can be done?
Dr. med. Tobias Berg, Dr. med. Stephan Sodeur and Dr. med. Alexandra Anna Vienken as well as colleges